Misty Simon 's Books
A very well recieved series by Misty Simon are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Grounds for Remorse, Deceased and Desist, Varnished without a Trace, Carpet Diem, Frame and Fortune, One Kiss, Making Room at the Inn, Hoedown Showdown, For Love and Cheesecake, Poison Ivy, Every Death You Take, Desperately Seeking Salvage, The Wrong Drawers, Don't Dream It's Rover, Cremains of the Day, Having a Ball!, All Died Out, Something Old, Something Dead, which was published in 2022.
Grounds for Remorse
Deceased and Desist
Varnished without a Trace
Carpet Diem
Frame and Fortune
One Kiss
Making Room at the Inn
Hoedown Showdown
For Love and Cheesecake
Poison Ivy
Every Death You Take
Desperately Seeking Salvage
The Wrong Drawers
Don't Dream It's Rover
Cremains of the Day
Having a Ball!
All Died Out
Something Old, Something Dead